about 250 km, 3 hours + 20 min

Corleone is a small town of approximately 12,000 inhabitants in the Province of Palermo in Sicily, Italy. It is known primarily as the birthplace of several Mafia bosses, both fictional, such as The Godfather's Vito (Andolini) Corleone, and real, such as Giuseppe Morello, Michele Navarra, Luciano Leggio, Leoluca Bagarella, Salvatore Riina and Bernardo Provenzano.

about 25 km, 35 min

Catania is the second-largest city in Sicily and the tenth in Italy. This city is known to have a seismic history and past, having been destroyed by a catastrophic earthquake in 1169, another in 1693, and several volcanic eruptions from the neighbouring Mount Etna volcano, the most violent of which in 1669.

about 131 km, 1 hour + 20 min

This city is located on the western interior of Sicily. It lies in an area of rolling hills with small villages and towns, crossed by the river Salso. Caltanissetta is the hub of public transport in the area. Caltanissetta is also the site of a longwave transmitter (shutdown in 2002) and shortwave transmitter. The mast used for the longwave transmitter may be the tallest structure in Italy.

about 100 km, 1 hours + 20 min

This city has been long famous for the production of pottery, particularly maiolica and terra-cotta wares. Nowadays the production is more and more oriented to artistic production of ceramics and terra-cotta sculptures. Other activities are mainly related to agriculture (production of grapes, olives, peaches).

about 185 km, little more than 2 hours

Agrigento was founded on a plateau overlooking the sea, with two nearby rivers, the Hypsasand the Akragas, and a ridge to the north offering a degree of natural fortification. Its establishment took place around 582-580 BCE and is attributed to Greek colonists from Gela, who named it Akragas.

about 14 km, 19 min

Located on the coast of the Ionian Sea, the village has a long history of maritime activity. Aci Trezza is a popular spot for Italian vacationers in the summer. The patron Saint of the town is St. John the Baptist. The Festa of San Giovanni is celebrated each year during the last week of June 24 in his honor.